Sunday, December 9, 2012

Belton's Blessing Day

On Sunday, Belton was blessed in our church. It was a wonderful day! Many family members and friends came and we were so grateful to have them all with us for Belton's day. 

During the two hours that I spent in the church building, the temperature outside dropped dramatically! We were all a little chilly during the pictures and Julia did a great job of keeping them quick!
The Tovar/Stephenson Clan
The Hervey Clan

Chrystal and Erik :)
Hannah and Nathaniel came from Oklahoma, thanks guys!!
The men who participated in the blessing.
Dad and Belton
We had everyone who was able to come over to our apartment for lunch after church. We were so glad to have everyone in our home! Thank you all for coming!!

Sweet Claire girl wanted to hold baby Belton. :)
Chrystal and Belton
He did great all day!

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