Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Week, So Far

On Monday, we went to Story Time at the library for the first time! We met a couple of friends from our ward there, and had a good time! I think Belton enjoyed himself and I think he will like it more and more as he gets older. It's a Mother Goose Story Time for kids that are 4-18 months old. There was a parachute in the middle of the circle and everything! It was great. 

Monday night, we went to Chili's because I didn't feel like cooking and we had a gift card. We tried putting Belton in the highchair for the first time, and he was a fan! Don't worry guys, we took more blankets to put behind him the next time! 

On Tuesday, we went to lunch with Chrystal! I always love when we are able to meet her during her lunch break! Don't you just love that shirt?? My mom got it for's so cute!
 Wednesday morning, since it was rainy, we went to McDonald's to visit with some friends while the kids (well, not Belton) played in the play place. It was fun! I am LOVING getting out more and more!! 

We came home and Belton played and played and endured some tummy time. 

Then this afternoon, we went to Walmart and got some groceries and came home to make lots of banana bread! This is what Matt saw when he walked in the door! He is always amused when I am barefoot, cooking, wearing an apron, with Belton on my hip!

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