Saturday, July 27, 2013

Busy Times!

We have been BUSY the last few weeks! It's great and I love it! However, I haven't done a good job of keeping up with things on here lately!!

So, Belton attempted some self-feeding with bananas. Sometimes he likes it!
 He played the piano at Grandma and Papaw's house. Grandmom will be so proud when she sees his new skills!! :)

 He stands and cruises and goes from couch to ottoman to Mom's legs like it's nothing! I see walking not too far in the future! (Yikes! :))

 We got to go to Aunt Abbi's bassoon recital.
 Belton actually sat and listened to the great music!

 I am such a sucker for these "hoodie" outfits. Seriously. They're my favorite!!
 Belton found the kid's drawer in the kitchen at Grandmom's house and had a grand time playing in it!

1 comment:

  1. I love the good posture and technique at the piano already!! :)
