Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fort Worth Zoo

Well, my friends Lydia and Alissa texted me within ten minutes of one another asking if I wanted to go to two different zoos during two different weeks! I jumped at the chance to enjoy all of the zoo time we can until it gets so hot outside that I can't stand it! 
So, we went to the Fort Worth Zoo last week with Alissa!
 Belton and Cole are about six months apart and play really well together, lately.
 It is so fun to watch their little friendship grow!
 Belton loved watching the gorillas!
This elephant sat here and played in this water, giving himself a bath while we were watching. It was so cool! He used his trunk and sprayed himself with the water, over and over again.
 Giraffes are my FAVORITE! :-)
 Belton has grown (just a little bit!) since the last time we saw these giraffes!

There are two baby elephants at the Fort Worth Zoo. So sweet to see these (not so little) animals!
This white tiger paced back and forth in front of the window while we were there. Belton waved hi to the tiger!
So close, but yet so far!

 Cole gave me a little grin while Belton was all about the zebras!

We walked all the way to the back of the zoo, and then rode the train to the front! Whoever decided to put that train there was really smart!

 Belton and Cole LOVED riding on the train!
Thanks Alissa, we had fun! 

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