Monday, June 30, 2014

Thursday Monument Tour: Part 1

On Thursday morning, we bought tickets and got on a Big Bus Tour. It was a great tour on a double decker bus with commentary about all of the things we were passing. We were also able to hop on and off at the stops whenever we wanted and could go explore more.
 This pretty blue house made me think of Mom!
Belton was very sweet and fell asleep in my arms a few minutes after this. 
 Our first stop was in Georgetown where we went to a couple of shops. I was trying to take a picture of us with the pretty flowers on the light posts along this street...but I failed!
The Lincoln Memorial- from the side
 The Lincoln Memorial

 Abe Lincoln, himself!

 Belton with The National Mall from the Lincoln Memorial.
 Our little family with the Washington Monument
Aunt Debbie and Uncle Jack
Aunt Debbie, Mom, Uncle Glenn, Bec, Laura and Uncle Jack
 As always, Belton loved the airplanes!

 Albert Einstein

 Our first view of the White House- from the bus!
The EPA Building
The National Museum of American History
The Capitol
The National Archives 
 We stopped for lunch and then headed out to explore some more and were greeted by RAIN! Aunt Debbie's poncho was big enough to keep her and Mom dry! 
 Bec and I decided to ride on top of the bus in the rain. It was very crowded and stuffy on the bottom level of the bus. We were already wet- so why not?!

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