Tuesday, June 24, 2014

US Capitol Tour

Tuesday morning, we got up and headed to the Metro station to ride it to the Capitol building. 
 We were waiting in line to go through this tunnel that took us to the US Capitol.
I had contacted my congressman and we got a pretty good private tour of the Capitol. Our tour guide was an intern in my congressman's office and he clearly wasn't thrilled to be giving yet another tour of the Capitol.
We saw the Texan statues- one of them is of Stephen F. Austin.
Here is the Old Supreme Court. These days, it is only used for tours. 

We got to visit the Old Senate Chamber.

 Taylor was so sweet with Belton throughout the entire trip!
The rotunda is being reconstructed to fix countless small cracks that are in it.

Beautiful floors!

President Eisenhower
The other Texan statue- Sam Houston! 
Matt noticed Brigham Young's statue in the corner so we made our (thrilled) tour guide wait a minute so Mom and I could get a picture with his statue. 
The rotunda has most of these statues in it, but it also had many of these plaques on the floor. It's amazing to think that Abraham Lincoln literally once stood there, where we were standing.
Matt and Belton in the rotunda. Belton DESPERATELY wanted to be held. He was exhausted, but it was too loud and he wasn't falling asleep. The one time we needed the Ergo on this trip...it was across the street in our backpack that we had to leave in our congressman's office. Bummer.
Dad and Mom (who both have Lee in their name) with Lee!
 Laura and Taylor outside the congressman's office.
After our Capitol Tour, we walked from the congressman's office over to the Capitol building and walked around the whole thing. 
 Taylor, Grandmom and Granddad
Matt, Laura and Belton

 Taylor and Belton with the Capitol building.

 We got to see many, beautiful views of the building!

 Taylor with the National Mall and Washington Monument.

 Belton finally gave up and took a good nap!

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