Friday, July 25, 2014


Belton was having to work harder than normal to breathe, so I called the doctor and ended up taking him in. The pediatrician sent him  to get a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia.
So we went across the street to the hospital with the radiology center and killed time.
Belton ate lunch, I was thrilled to see (and use!) this charging station.
 We had matching hospital bracelets.
 A kind nurse saw us waiting and brought Belton a coloring book and some crayons.

Belton had his x-ray (not fun) and then we waited for the results!
Poor guy did have the beginning of pneumonia. But luckily the caught it early enough that he just got sent him with a prescription for antibiotics- he didn't have to have an injection. 

He's doing much better now. We love our little trooper!

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