Saturday, October 4, 2014

Belton's Second Birthday!

Belton is TWO! 
 Belton's birthday was a busy day in our family- it was also Peter and Kelly's wedding day!
 So we started off the day at home with a quick breakfast of donut holes-
 -and he got to unwrap a present from Mom and Dad!

 Is he big or what?!????
 Then we headed over to Grandmom and Granddad's house for the day. There was lots of extra family in town for the wedding- fun! So we had Raising Cane's Chicken and cupcakes for lunch.
 I love his tongue in this picture!
 He got to open a couple more presents here!

 A few things about Belton at TWO:
He sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes a (usually) three hour nap every day.
He says 125+ words.
But he doesn't EVER say Belton. He says "meama" instead. He'll point to pictures of our family saying, "dada, mama, meama". It's just a slightly different inflection from Mama. 
He loves ALL THINGS choo-choo! 
Daddy is the best person on the planet, but he really loves Mama too. 
He loves to build with his blocks and legos.
He cuddles his animals and lays all kinds of toys on their side, saying "night-night".
He likes sitting on his froggy potty and trying to go pee.
He loves visiting people's houses and frequently says "house" as a request to go to someone's house. 
Every time we get out of the car at our apartment, he immediately says "RUN!" and wants to run all the way to our apartment! 
When we turn into our complex, he says "home!".
When he wants more of something he always says "ONE more" with one finger up.
He gets his colors correct, consistently.
He recognizes and identifies all of the letters and numbers from 1-10.
 He recognizes different stores and places as we drive by them. Like, he sees Best Buy and says "ya-hoo!" for Mario because sometimes we play Mario in there.
Milk is still the best thing ever. 
He loves to read books. Green Eggs and Ham is a current favorite. He frequently says the last word of the sentences in that book.
He also finishes phrases in songs that we sing frequently. 
He loves to go outside and play and explore. 
He doesn't say train, just "choo-choo".
He knows the name of every main character on Thomas.
He loves to listen to our Popcorn Popping CD in the car. He says "mama" (for music) and moves his arms in a dancing motion to request that I turn it on!
He loves cookies!
We call him Beltonious a lot.
He LOVES babies. Whenever he hears one crying, he always says "baby" and is really concerned about them.  
He requests waffles for breakfast almost every day. 
He's still our tender boy and gets scared easily.

Belton, we love you so much and are so blessed to have you in our family!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy! 

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