Saturday, November 22, 2014

Centerville 2014

We headed to my Uncle Don's reunion in Centerville again this year. It's always a great time to visit with family that we don't see often enough! It's so fun for me that Donny and Paige's family is home from Australia!
 Cousin fun!
 It was Dayton's first birthday- so he got to open a few gifts.

 We took our annual family picture in front of this bush! 2013, 2012
 We sang some Christmas Carols
 And the kiddos had LOTS of fun playing and playing and playing in the rain!

 Dayton especially loved it.

 Lilian was a  bit more cautious. Hood up, under the covered porch, drinking her water.

 Belton was interested...
 Claire was thrilled!

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