Thursday, February 26, 2015

Belton's First Dentist Appointment

I took Belton to his first dentist appointment the other day. I think I was more nervous than he was! Which is silly, because I don't mind the dentist at all...but I was worried about him having a traumatic experience! 

 He looks way too big in that chair!
Dr. Church brushed his teeth and he got a great report!
 Apparently Belton has a small mouth (like his Mama!) and has all of his teeth (at this point).
Belton let Dr. Church brush his teeth and check them out. He was definitely nervous about this mirror though...and he almost started crying when he saw it...but then it was all good!
 Belton got a sticker and a new toothbrush! So much fun!
 This what happens when Belton says "cheese" these days.

Belton did a fantastic job! No tears at all!! Dr. Church and the hygienist were both very impressed and said that first-timers usually have a very difficult time. I was shocked! He's such a big boy!

1 comment:

  1. I guess you were worried for nothing, huh? Belton was such a brave and behaved little boy, and I'm sure you were proud of him. Congratulations on that successful first trip! Hope to hear more good news like that soon. Kudos!

    Freddie Gray @ Ballantyne Center For Dentistry
