Saturday, May 30, 2009


Saturday, we went to a typical mountain village in Morocco, ChefChaouen. This was my favorite part of the whole weekend! We had a local guide who was this little old man that has lived in this village his entire life. His family has been there for generations. He told us that he has been on Lonely Planet and he was just hilarious and very entertaining. He also told us that all the walls of the city are blue because that color keeps out the heat and the mosquitoes.

Me with Hammad, our tour guide

This is the Coca-Cola donkey. The roads in ChefChaouen are too small for the Coca-Cola trucks to get the Cokes to the stores, so the people there have to unload the bins of Coke onto the donkey and walk the donkey to each individual store.

It was beautiful!

This is the entrance to the medina, which is the old part of the city with windy twisty roads. We spent our entire tour of the town in the medina.

Here I am in the courtyard area that's in the middle of the shops that we went to.

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