Saturday, May 30, 2009


We spent Saturday evening walking around the marketplace of Tangier. It was ridiculous. Tangier is a place where people beg and pester you to buy things from their stores more than you can even imagine! And these young boys that are probably five years old will walk with you as you walk through the city begging you to buy little tissue packets from them. No matter how many times you tell them no, they just keep on pestering you and walking with you, for 20 minutes! Also, outside of the hotel and every place that we were going there were people standing there with necklaces and watches hanging off their arms and following you to try to get you to buy from them. In some ways it made me sad, because these people have so little compared to me and they will work so hard to try to make a sale. It was humbling to go to this city and country and remember exactly how blessed I am to be an American. On the other hand, as an American, who is used to being able to say, "No thanks, I'm just looking" and being left alone by the salesperson, it was just annoying! We all felt rude ignoring the people, but if you start talking to them or show any interest in what they're trying to sell you, they will never leave you alone.

One of the streets of the marketplace

Megan, Me, K'Lann, and Kelsey- you can see the coast of Spain in the distance

The Moroccan flag which has a 5 point star on it, for the 5 Pillars of Islam

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