Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Moroccan Palace

Saturday night, our tour guide took us to The Moroccan Palace to watch a Moroccan dance show. Unfortunately for me, he didn't warn us about the audience participation...
The band was pretty cool and just played some Moroccan music the whole time. This guy played this violin-ish looking thing that was connected to the speakers. I thought it was interesting!
The first woman came out in this traditional clothing and did a dance for us...

Then these two guys came out. They looked like brothers, but I don't know. They did some neat acrobatics though!

Next, this guy came out with candles on the tray on his head. Some of them were in glasses, and others were not. He was very entertaining and danced around, sat down and did several crazy things with this tray on his head.

Then he came and sat the tray on top of K'Lann's head. She was freaking out! He tried to get her to move, at all, but she was frozen because she was so scared!

Then he came over and made me get up in the middle of the dance floor...and put one of the candles on my head. He tried to make me dance and shake my hips with a burning candle on my head. After just a few seconds of this, it fell off, and I jumped away! I didn't know where it fell, or if it burned part of me or anything! Luckily everything was fine and he made me bow before I got to finally sit down!

Then the next woman came out. Unfortunately, she hadn't been watching and had no idea that I had just been in the middle of attention! She grabbed Mateo (from our group) and me and made us go up there again! We all three danced around for awhile and did all sorts of ridiculous things! She finally let me sit down, so I got a picture of Mateo and her dancing before he sat down too!

It was a fun, interesting evening, full of surprises!!

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