Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Houston Shower

A couple of weeks after I got home for the summer, my aunts and grandmom threw me a bridal shower in Houston! Several of my extended family members we able to make it, and we all had a great time! Thank you everyone!! I am so grateful to have family members that will take a little trip to come celebrate with me! 

Here I am opening the first gift, LOTS of Fiesta from the Coopers! Yay! Thank you!

Julia gave me three gifts to open in a certain order...I wasn't quite sure why she gave me chocolate chips?

Because she got me our griddle and now I can make Dad's recipe for chocolate-chip pancakes of course! She also typed up and laminated the recipe that he uses!

Jennifer's gift was also a bit confusing, those boxes were SO heavy!!!

She gave us $50 in pennies for LOTS of good luck!

Mom got us some beautiful Lenox Holiday Christmas china! I absolutely LOVE it!  

The beautiful tables of food and punch!

The fabulous hostesses and me. My Grandmom, Aunt Debbie, and Aunt Carol. These are my mom's mom and sisters!
The Hervey Girls: Jennifer, Mom, Laura, Julia and Claire!

Jennifer and Laura with our sweet niece, Claire Lois! 

Laura, Ashley, Debbie, Jennifer, and Claire

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