Friday, July 2, 2010

Claire's Blessing Weekend

The weekend after the Houston shower, our family headed back to Houston, this time to watch my newest (and only) niece be blessed! Claire Lois Cooper was born on March 25, to proud parents, Julia and Jordan. She is such a sweet little girl!

If you haven't seen the pictures from the blessing day on Julia's blog, you can find them here.

Matt had the opportunity to learn some parenting skills that weekend! He gave Claire a bath, his first time to ever bathe a baby! He did a great job, and she is always such a happy girl! 

Marcus had a great time jumping around at the Cooper's house, he is such a ball of energy! (isn't he cute??)

Here are Matt and me with all of my (soon to be his too!) nephews and niece! Taylor, Marcus and Claire all sat still long enough to let us take a picture with them! I love it!

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