Friday, July 2, 2010

The Tovar Shower

Just a couple of weeks ago, Matt's Tia Pat and his Grandma threw us a shower. It was really fun to spend time with some of Matt's family members and celebrate our upcoming marriage. Matt was at the shower too, he was way excited about getting to help open presents this time! 

The house was beautiful, they had made a lot of food and decorated with items from Matt's Grandma and Papaw's 50th Wedding Anniversary. It was very sweet! 

Also, Matt's Grandma said that she always wanted to use this tablecloth for the wedding of one of her grandchildren. This tablecloth had been her mother's and was used every Sunday when they had family and friends over after church.

We are very grateful to have gotten many beautiful, fun, and generous gifts!
(that last one is homemade Snuggies, made by Matt's Mom)

Claire was a big hit! :) Kelly and Abbi enjoyed taking care of Claire a little bit during the shower. 
Here are Matt and me with the hostesses of this shower, Matt's Grandma and his Tia Pat. Thank you!!
We grabbed a few other people before they walked out the door to get some pictures....
Matt's G-Mom, Matt, and Laura

Laura, Abbi (Matt's little sister), and Matt

Kelly (Matt's Step-Mom) and Laura

And of course, the Hervey Girls again! (the ones who came, that is!)
Mom, Laura, and Julia

1 comment:

  1. My goodness! You are like party central lately! Sounds like a blast. I'm glad so many people are supporting you and getting you all set for your new married life! Love you!
