Thursday, November 15, 2012

Belton: One Month

 Wow, the time is flying by! 
And our little guy sure is growing! 

One Month Stats
Weight: 7 pounds, 8 ounces, 15th percentile
Length: 21.75 inches, 60th percentile
Head: 14.75 inches, 50th percentile

Right now, Belton's favorite place to sleep is in someone's arms. He especially loves sleeping on Dad's chest! He is a sweet, cuddly baby who loves being sung to. Belton blesses our lives so much, we love taking him for walks in his stroller to get the mail when Dad gets home. He is getting better about his days and his nights, as long as he can sleep with Dad!  I keep trying to remind myself that he won't be this little for very long, so I just need to enjoy every moment, even when I am exhausted!
We love our sweet little one month old!

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