Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Centerville 2012

During the weekend before Thanksgiving, the Hervey family meets together at my Uncle Don's place in Centerville, Texas. We have a great time with food, nature walks, games, singing time and just catching up! It's always so great to see cousins and aunts and uncles that we haven't seen in a year!

Claire and Uncle Matt always have fun together!
This year I spent most of my time inside with Belton, so I stole Julia's pictures documenting the day!
Belton finally got to meet Uncle Jordan! Now he's met all of his aunts and uncles! And Jordan took care of Belton so that Matt and I could eat a meal without holding a baby! Thanks Jordan!!
Matt and Jordan at the pond on Uncle Don's property.
He's so cute! :)
Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Jack singing some Christmas hymns with us.
Aunt Joyce and Krish singing!
I really enjoyed our singing time!

Before we left, I was sure to take a family picture in front of these bushes! Four years ago, when Matt and I had just been dating a few months, he came with me to the first reunion in Centerville and we took a picture in front of the same bushes!

Life changes quickly! (and bushes grow fast!) :) 2008

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