Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!

We rang in 2014 with several church friends at the Ellingson's house. Belton had a blast pretending to be a baby! That is, until we put him down for bed with the rest of the babies! :-)
 Then the adults had fun! We played several minute to win it type games and did a lot of laughing!!! :-)

 Melissa was a pro at this one!
 Matt was confident...
 ...and he got SO CLOSE...
 ...but not quite! He still had one ball in that box!
 The girls: Danika, Alissa, Laura, Melissa and Danielle
 The boys weren't as happy to take a picture as the girls were. I told them to take a lame picture, before I made them smile. Notice what Matt did...
 Aaand the boys! Mike, Nathan, Robert, Matt and Jesse
 Thanks for having us over, Alissa and Nate! We had a great time!
Happy New Year!

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