Friday, January 10, 2014

Hervey Christmas Eve

 We had a great Christmas with the Herveys last weekend!

 During White Elephant, Taylor opened the Dr. Pepper lamps that Matt made about 8 months ago at a work event. He was thrilled!
 But, someone stole it from him, so he and Peter were both excited when Peter stole it from them! Third owner keeps it, so they went home with the pair of Dr. Pepper lamps! :-)

 Marcus got a gnome that he tried (unsuccessfully) to get rid of all night.
 Marshall got a happy spoon! :-)
 I opened these earrings made from real animal bones/feet. EEK! Luckily, Lauren stole them from me!
 Phil got the mardi gras beads.
 And before all of our friends left, we were able to get a family picture of all FIFTEEN of us! This family sure has grown in the last few years! :-)
 Right before Belton's bathtime, Claire enjoyed giving him a ride in this basket.

 And Dayton, slept. all. week. long.
What a good boy!

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