Monday, May 18, 2009

Getting to Seville

I am studying abroad in Seville, Spain this summer! I'm taking a business computer class here, while learning a lot of Spanish...just to survive!

Here I am with Matt and Matt at my last lunch in the states! Of course, we went to Chili's! I miss them!

When I arrived in Madrid, I saw a guy, Sam who is in our group in Seville. He and I decided to take a taxi together to get to the train station. His luggage had been lost, so we waited in line for an hour so that he could file a missing luggage report. Once we got to the train station we were running late, (it was about 12:30) and we could either take a 3pm train in 1st class, or a 7:15 pm train in 2nd class. Unfortunately, we had to take the 3pm train because we were suppposed to meet for our study abraod program at 5 pm! The train takes about 2 and a half hours to get from Madrid to Seville. Anyway, we both freaked out somewhat. The day had not gone as planned, at all. But eventually we got on the train and although 1st class was crazy expensive, it was also neat!

We took the Ave, which is a high speed train that runs through parts of Spain.

This is the Ave, right before we got on it.

Sam and me in our 1st class seats!

This was the lunch that they brought us as part of the first class treatment. All I ate was the fruit, but it was fabulous, especially the pineapple! We had REAL silverware- 2 forks, 2 knives, and 2 spoons. It was pretty cool!

This is the best of my attempts at getting a picture of the beautiful countryside on the way to Seville. The train was moving too quickly for me to get a better one!

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