Monday, May 18, 2009

My Home for the Month..

I am living with a host family here in Spain. Really, she's a host-mom. There's no one else here with us. There are four girls from the program that are living with her here. She's been housing Texas Tech study abroad families for 8 years now, so she's completely used to this. But, the previous students were here to learn Spanish, so they all knew way more Spanish than we do. She doesn't speak any English, so we're all learning a lot! She's aware and always tries to make sure we understand what she's saying.

It's part of her "job" as our host mom to provide us with 3 meals a day.
Breakfast is toast or something else small that we make for ourselves.
Lunch is a 2 course meal often times. Dessert is fruit. It's served at 2:30 pm, followed by a siesta!

Dinner is a smaller version of lunch. Dessert has been yogurt. Dinner is served at 9:30 pm. Pica (our host mom) says that she is trying to stay skinny, so she doesn't eat dinner.
She eats lunch with us, and so we eat in the living room. It is very interesting how the houses are set up differently here. Here's a picture of the living room...

The TV is always on to some sort of Spanish sports or news when we are eating lunch. But we also try to talk to her in Spanish. Two of us are much better at understanding her than the other two, but we're all still working on it.

This is my bedroom. K'Lann is my roomate. She's great! My bed is on the right. There is a window right by it, which is our only air circulation, because they don't use air conditioners here!

This is the kitchen, we eat breakfast and dinner on the little table to the left.

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