Saturday, March 23, 2013

Claire's Birthday Party!

We went down to College Station for Claire's third birthday party last weekend. It was so great to get to visit family and enjoy the party! Dad and Matt worked on putting together Claire's present the night before the party!
 This is Claire on the morning of the party. She put on Julia's boots over her pajamas. I asked her to smile and this is what I got! Cute girl!

The theme for Claire's party was sprinkles. Every time anyone asked Claire what she wanted for her birthday, she said, "cupcakes with icing and sprinkles!" So Julia took that and ran with it! It was so cute!

 The kids had fun with some activities.

 Our little family!
 Mel and Mom
 He's such a sleepyhead!
 Steve and Padre
 Sweet Claire with her presents!
 As Claire said the next morning, "we have a park back there now! It doesn't have any swings though."
 Marsh and Jenn
 The Hervey's that were there.
 Belton hung out in the grass for a little bit!
We had a great time, happy birthday Claire-girl!

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