Sunday, March 24, 2013


 We took Belton and Claire to the park last weekend and let Belton try out swinging for the first time.
 We didn't really push him in it, because he is still a little wobbly when sitting on his own. 
 But he had fun anyway!
I adore this looking off into the distance facial expression. <3

By the way, after we went to the park, we went home and ate lunch. Belton was sitting in the bumbo on the table and playing with an empty water bottle. As he tried to eat it, Matt noticed something resembling a tooth in his mouth. Matt stuck his finger in there, and Belton has his first tooth!! We could hardly believe it!! It's barely there, but it has definitely broken through the gums! No pictures yet, he doesn't open his mouth for long. But I'll work on getting a picture soon! 

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